Our film follows the story of Frank, a young assassin who operates on the streets of south London. In the opening scene, he is shown working in his normal fashion: he receives the time and place from anonymous contacts, and makes his appearance before meeting another contact instructing him on who to target. However, due to the nature of this particular task - he is told only to target someone with a 'red hat' - and the fact that he had come unprepared, due to a tight schedule, for a busy platform due to a football game, he executes the wrong target. After the finger of blame is pointed to him by his employer, and the police begin to target him for murder, Frank takes to the streets in an attempt to avoid confronting those who are after him. However, staying in a run-down one bedroom apartment in Lewisham with blood on his hands, Frank must also confront his inner demons. While his life is spiralling out of control and he is slowly losing his grip on life, he comes across, by chance, Vincent, a friend from his past. Like Frank, Vincent is highly vulnerable: he produces heroin for a brutal drug dealer. The two attempt to reform themselves and make an honest living - Frank working in a car garage, and Vincent in a local primary school. However, Vincent's past comes back to him and his violent boss leaves him hospitalised after attempting to have him shot to death in the street for abandoning his business. Seeking vengeance, Frank confronts and brutally murders Vincent's boss and henchmen. However, those who had contracted Frank in the film's opening, and subsequently the police, find him out. Before the police arrive, the anonymous man who Frank had met on the DLR in the opening of the film finds him by the Thames Barrier. Frank is shot from behind, though is still able to confront and shoot his anonymous employer to death. The police arrive at the scene and a wounded Frank jumps into the river to avoid detection as the film ends, his fate being left ambiguous.
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